

There are strict regulations in place about managing legionella. The presence of vulnerable people at GP surgeries makes it particularly important.

Water treatment responsibilities for GP surgeries

The legionella bacterium is a major threat to elderly and vulnerable people, such as the patients at a GP surgery. As such, it is not surprising that GP surgeries are required to pay close attention to their plumbing and water treatment obligations.

Are legionella risk assessments needed at doctors’ surgeries?

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 dictates that all surgeries have legal responsibility to provide for the health and safety of patients and staff. This means that all staff are required to take part in legionella risk assessments and take special precautions to prevent harm. If traces of the bacteria are discovered, remedial action must be taken to remove it.

Someone in the surgery should be appointed to manage legionella responsibilities. This can be outsourced to an external specialist who handles plumbing and water treatment. Whoever takes control of this must fully understand their legal obligations and the extent of the threat of legionella bacteria.

How often do doctor’s surgeries need to have a legionella risk assessment?

There are strict regulations in place about managing legionella. The presence of vulnerable people at GP surgeries makes it particularly important, so it is recommended that a risk assessment is carried out every year.

Water testing

Though not legally required, it can be helpful to undertake water testing an analysis during the risk assessment process. Water testing kits can be used by the staff, or a specialist firm can be brought in to do the work. Results can be acquired pretty quickly and the testing should identify even traces of the legionella bacterium.

One of the most cost-effective ways of managing legionella is to outsource the plumbing and water treatment work to specialists. They can carry out professional testing and implement high-quality water treatment that eliminates risks associated with water-borne threats like legionella.

Get expert support with water treatment and legionella testing

GP surgeries can get peace of mind about patient safety and regulatory compliance regarding water treatment by hiring Brooktech Maintenance. We offer legionella testing and water treatment and competitive prices so that even smaller doctors’ surgeries can reap the benefits.

Contact us today to enquire about our services for GP surgeries in Stockport.

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